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Trains from Milan to Pavia: timetables and prices

There are 72 trains per day travelling from Milan to Pavia.

The journey time is approximately 30 minutes.

The train station in Pavia is served by Trenitalia, the State Railways, and line S13 by Suburbane Trenord.
There are many trains that run between the two cities.

With Line S13 Trenonord it’s possible to reach Milan city center, Porta Venezia station, in thirty minutes.
Every half hour there is a train from Pavia that stops at eight stations in Milan: Rogoredo, Porta Vittoria, Dateo, Porta Venezia, Repubblica, Porta Garibaldi, Lancetti, Bovisa, all provided by ATM Underground.

The price of a train ticket from Milan to Pavia is 4€.
Tickets can be purchased directly at the station or online, Trenord website.

Milan to Pavia Train: Click here to download the timetable in PDF format.

Milan – Pavia line is also served by Trenitalia National Trains.
To get from Milan to Pavia there are 34 daily services between these two cities.
There are trains departing from Pavia and arriving in Central Milan every 60 minutes and the average journey time is 38 minutes, while the fastest is 24 minutes.

The first train from Pavia to Milano Centrale departs at 06:01. The last one is at 23:59.
The main stations reached are: Centrale, Lambrate, Rogoredo, Greco Pirelli, Porta Garibaldi, North Bovisa.

The train ticket fare goes from 4 euros to 19 euros.
Tickets can be purchased directly at the station or online, Trenitalia Website.

Milan to Pavia Train: Check the Online Timetable